
Article | 5 min |
A simple investments 101 crash course in terminology, structures, and retirement plans can empower you to take charge of your financial future and grow your wealth. So, we’re giving you a base-level breakdown of investment terms to help you effectively communicate financial matters. Many first-time investors feel lost when they begin navigating the complex language of the investment world. This is natural—making informed decisions is difficult when dealing with terms you might not know. But learning the basics is easier than you think. A simple investments 101 crash course in terminology...
Article | 5 min |
Building and sticking to a robust financial wellness checklist is the best way to assess your situation. Are you looking to review where you are with your finances? Wary of your financial fitness and how you stack up? Use this list to check your financial health today. The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on your financial situation. Whether you’re saving for a big purchase, planning for retirement, or reassessing your budget, a financial wellness checklist can show you where you stand. According to a recent survey by the National Financial Educators Council (NFEC), lack of...
Article | 5 min |
Good health and well-being aren’t things we only want for our physical bodies; we also want them for our bank accounts. There’s no better time to start building financial wellness than the present. Here are some actionable steps to begin your journey to greater gains. Financial wellness means being financially secure enough to meet all your needs and cover emergency expenses. It also means being confident in achieving long-term financial goals, such as buying property or saving for retirement. While your earnings play a significant role in achieving financial wellness, other decisive factors...
Article | 3 min |
Home improvement projects can be sizable undertakings. Whether trying to sell or just looking to spruce things up, the financial commitment can get as steep as the project itself. Have you considered using your Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) to tackle your next home improvement project? Your HELOC is a revolving loan with an open credit line from which you can make withdrawals. You only pay interest on the funds you borrow, with variable rates typically starting around the prime rate plus 2%. Think of your HELOC as a super-low-interest credit card. HELOC Pros Lower interest rates and...
Article | 5 min |
If you’re finding it difficult to manage multiple payments and feeling overwhelmed, consolidating your debts into a single loan with one monthly payment might be the solution. Debt consolidation is a strategy to streamline your finances and alleviate the burden on your bank account. What Is Debt Consolidation? Debt consolidation involves combining your different debts into a singular loan, resulting in a streamlined process with a single monthly payment. In some cases, this consolidated loan may have a lower interest rate than your previous debts. An efficient way to help you manage your debt...