The Prognosis is Growth

July 5, 2022 | | Business Insights

Our relationship with this Health Care Supply Company began 20 years ago when the company was founded by a Vietnam veteran inspired by the values he acquired during his time in the service. His goal was to provide excellence in the health care supply chain with a veteran patient-first approach.

We've been their financial partner since their inception and they appreciate our commitment to their success from the very beginning. We have always been nimble, responsive, and ready to tackle challenges alongside them.

“They were interested and attentive to the challenges we were facing. They provided the partnership, relationship, and the amount of attention we needed then, and along the way.”

—CFO, Health Care Supply Company

When the pandemic hit and the country needed ventilators, syringes and needles, this company was ready and equipped to meet the needs of both health care organizations and patients. They supplied over $27 million worth of syringes and needles to the Covid-19 pandemic effort.

The partnership with us has grown through the years, “We started at $3 million in sales and have grown to over $50 million. They have treated us the same way, every single day, and we appreciate it,” adds the company CFO. “Anytime there is something our business needs I know I can call our financial partners and they’ll take care of it. There’s security in knowing that. We’re customers for life.”


Source: HTLF 2020 Annual Report